Ceci N’est Pas Une Pomme. It’s one of the well-known paintings by the Belgian surrealism artist Rene Magritte. In this project, I would love to design a label of apple brandy inspired(or produced) by Rene Magritte. But not just as tribute of this particular painting, but as the reflection of his philosophy (concept) by without the use of image of apples.

Rene Magritte has a huge influence to pop art, dadaism, and modern illustration nowadays. And the (hypothetical)product he is going to launch is an apple brandy. This clear apple brandy carries a pure reflection of the apples’ characteristics. The transparency is a very important characteristic in this project, as Rene Magritte had several works discussing ‘treachery of images‘ (ig. This is not a pipe.) I personally found this feeling when I see the spirit is in the clear colour.

Label & BottleIn this label design project, the concept is to incorporate with the refraction. Hence, working on the accurate size of the bottle becomes crucial. I started from the product itself. After spending a good amount of time in bottle shop and found this one with perfect clear gin inside, and also a perfect shape of punt to mimic an apple.

In the painting The Memoirs of a Saint, Rene Magritte transformed a flat form to a theatrical scene. And this transformation is also seen as a way of further subverting illusion in his art. Therefore I would like to choose this cylinder bottle.
The label will be cut-put paper to see through the typography from inside. This concept echoes to his stage-like arts, layered foreground and the backdrop space. Also the act of drinking, will reveal what is the design like without refraction from the liquor.

Recreate the scene of 'The Son of Man' (1946)

This project can’t complete without the promotional kit. The collateral include an A6 invitation card with a bottle-shaped cutout, pairing with a VIP card attached as the ticket for the launch party. The VIP card is also a platform for AR experience.
Also, a simple business card with a description of this apple brandy. The mock-up scene is created based on “Beautiful World” (Le Beau Monde) by René Magritte in 1962.
Also, a simple business card with a description of this apple brandy. The mock-up scene is created based on “Beautiful World” (Le Beau Monde) by René Magritte in 1962.